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Some media coverage where my work was mentioned


Kim Baraka, yin et yang, by Carla Henoud, L'Orient-Le Jour, August 2015. (in French)


Scientific Research

Robotics takes center stage - inside look at Kim Baraka’s academic journey, American University of Beirut, March 2023

Robótica Social - Ain Tech podcast, Radio Anáhuac México (in Spanish) 

Embodied Interactions: from Robotics to Dance, podcast interview by Lauren Klein, Robohub, December 2020.
The Versatilist podcast interview
by Patrick O'Shea, May 2019.

Lorsque la recherche en robotique vise à soutenir les enfants autistes, by Lamia Darouni, L'Orient-Le-Jour, March 2018. (in French) 

CMU students to compete in Robot Art 2016 contest, by Josh Brown, The Tartan, December 2015.

Vincent van Bot: the robots turning their hand to art, by Nadja Sayej, The Guardian, April 2016.

Why did the robot do that?, by Stephanie Rosenthal, SEI Blog, December 2016.



La danse se conjuge au masculin!, by Lamia Sfeir Darouni, Femme Magazine, No. 253, p. 79, June 2014. (in French)

Jaw-dropping athleticism and gravity-defying grace, by Matthew Mosley, The Daily Star, June 2009.

Choreographing and not communicating, by Samya Kullab, The Daily Star, March 2013.

Nado Kano brings breathtaking dance to Beirut, by Samya Kullab, Albawaba, March 2013.

Beirut Dance Company- A Mixed Contemporary Dance Show, by Nadine K., BeirutNightLife, April 2011.
feedback de ezequiel santos aos 25 anos de espaço experimental, centro de documentação em movimento,  July 2018. (in Portuguese)

An odyssey of bodies in confrontation, by Chirine Lahoud, The Daily Star, May 2014.

An emotional double dose of dance, by Chirine Lahoud, The Daily Star, November 2011.

Último Slow de Rui Catalão, by Tânia Ramos, ContraCenas, October 2018. (in Portuguese)



"L’enfer n’est pas les autres…", L'Agenda Culturel, October 2011. (in French)


© 2020 Kim Baraka.

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